Martijn Padding - Composer
Martijn Padding was born on April 24, 1956 in Amsterdam.
In the introduction to his website, Martijn Padding writes, regarding his music and way of working, that he studied a volume of Béla Bartók’s ‘Microcosmos’ with the wrong notes. “I thought it sounded wonderful, and it cost me the greatest effort to learn the correct version.”
Padding studied composition with Louis Andriessen and musicology at the University of Utrecht.
Martijn is currently professor and head of the composition department of the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague Holland.
For many years, Padding also made radio documentaries and was a long time pianist accompanist of modern dance groups, led by Krisztina de Châtel and Beppie Blankert. In addition, Martijn worked as the artistic director of Orkest de Volharding for several years.
Padding has a fascination for transparency and contrast between the logical and illogical. In his work he seeks the cunning rather than grand gestures. Although his compositions often have a technical point of departure, theatrical elements become more relevant lately in his work. His music shows impudent humor. Copying is permitted, he writes, as is entering into repetition. However, at a certain moment this will misfire because of the reason that people are not machines. It is precisely such non-random mistakes that lead to unpredictable results and even innovation.
Padding’s oeuvre ranges from works for solo instrument to large-scale compositions for orchestra and music theater and opera. His compositional aesthetic precludes any hierarchical relationship in music, for instance between modernist and experimental elements, influences from popular culture and history rooted doctrines.
Padding’s compositions are performed by many leading ensembles, soloists and orchestra worldwide. Recently, the opera Laika was composed at the request of Pierre Audi on a libretto by P.F Thomése and directed by visual artist Aernout Mik premiered at the Holland Festival 2014.
In 2015 he wrote a farewell work ‘Ick seg adieu‘ commissioned by the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra at the departure of their chief conductor Mariss Jansons.
For the coming future new work for the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Residence Orchestra and a Double Bass Concerto for Rick Stotijn and the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra is planned.
In 2009 Padding won the UNESCO prize (International Rostrum of Composers) for his First Harmonium Concerto written for Orkest de Ereprijs and Dirk Luimes. He also received the Edison Classical award in 2011 for the Asko | Schönberg CD recording of his ‘Three Concerti’.
Recently, it has been announced that Padding is awarded the Johan Wagenaar oeuvre prize 2016 which will be presented in December 2016 in The Hague.
AL-LE-LOUIS : for orchestra
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: 3fl 2ob 2cl-b 2trp flghn 2hn 2trb 3perc 6vl 2pf keyb cymb el. g g-b Year of composition: 2009 Duration: 3'30"
And Trees Would Sing : tenor and trombone quartet
Chamber music: Voice and instrument(s)
Instruments: ten 4trb Duration: 7'30"
Ballad : for ensemble, 1995
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s)
Instruments: sopr rec-b cl-b trb perc g pf vl cb Year of composition: 1995 Duration: 4'00"
Bels douc amics : 2000
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s)
Instruments: voice cemb Year of composition: 2000 Duration: 6'00"
Bien mesuré bien : for harpsichord, 1998
Chamber music: Harpsichord
Instruments: cemb Year of composition: 1998 Duration: 7'00"
Blend : 1991 / revis[i]on 1992, 1997, for piano
Chamber music: Piano
Instruments: pf Year of composition: 1997 Duration: 15'00"
Canzonas (Book 1) : for trombone ensemble (5-6 players)
Chamber music: Trombone
Instruments: trb-a trb-ten trb-b trb-cb Year of composition: 2017 Duration: 15'00"
Couple : for percussion solo
Chamber music: Percussion
Instruments: perc Year of composition: 2000 Duration: 9'40"
Cow Music : for harmonium (bajan or accordion)
Chamber music: Organ
Instruments: harm Duration: 9'00"
Dramm : for string quartet, 1990
Chamber music: String Quartet (2 violins, viola, cello)
Instruments: 2 vl vla vc Year of composition: 1990 Duration: 12'00"
Eight metal strings : for mandolin and ensemble
Orchestra: Large ensemble (12 or more players)
Instruments: fl(pic) ob cl(cl-b) fg trp man g pf perc vl vla vc cb Year of composition: 2009 Duration: 12'00"
Ein Haus mit einem Dach : for ensemble
Chamber music: Percussion and instrument(s) and key instrument
Instruments: 2cl cl-b harm pf perc(recit) vl vla vc Year of composition: 1998 Duration: 29'00"
Entrance : 2008
Orchestra: Orchestra
Year of composition: 2008 Duration: 6'00"
Entrance (Version 2015) : for orchestra
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 4h 2trp 3trb tb timp 2perc str Year of composition: 2008 (revision 2015) Duration: 6'00"
First harmonium concerto : for harmonium and ensemble
Orchestra: Organ and large ensemble
Instruments: fl(fl-b pic) fl cl(cl-b) 2sax h trp 2trb tb keyboard perc el.g g-b harm-solo Year of composition: 2008 Duration: 18'00"
First harmonium concerto : for harmonium and ensemble [ASKO/Schönberg version]
Orchestra: Organ and large ensemble
Instruments: fl(fl-b pic) ob cl(cl-b) fg h trp trb MIDI-keyboard perc el.g g-b/cb vl vla harm-solo Year of composition: 2008 ; ASKO/Schönberg version 2009 Duration: 18'00"
Five Neo-Neos : for tenor saxophone and piano, 1997
Chamber music: Saxophone and keyboard instrument
Instruments: sax-t pf Year of composition: 1997 Duration: 14'00"
Fix-us : for ensemble, 1997
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-11 players)
Instruments: sax-s perc el.g synth vc cb Year of composition: 1997 Duration: 11'00"
Galimathias Musicum : for symphony orchestra (and forte piano)
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: 2fl(fl-a) 2ob 2cl 2fg 2h 2trp perc pf str Year of composition: 2015-2016 Duration: 26'00"
Glimpse : for orchestra
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 2h 2trp timp str Year of composition: 2010 Duration: 12'00"
Greetings from Holland : for bassoon, harmonium and percussion
Chamber music: Percussion and instrument(s) and key instrument
Instruments: fg harm/acc/bayan perc Year of composition: 2010 Duration: 12'30"
Harmonypricker : for flute and piano, 1994
Chamber music: Flute and keyboard instrument
Instruments: fl pf Year of composition: 1994 Duration: 9'00"
Honk : for soprano and ensemble
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s)
Instruments: sopr rec/fl cl-b trb vl pf el.g cb perc Year of composition: 2000 Duration: 5'00"
HOP : for orchestra
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: fl ob cl bcl ssx asx hrn trp trb tba pf keyb acc 3voc 3perc eg bg DJ 3vl vla vc cb Year of composition: 2012 Duration: 6'00"
In Memoriam Hector Berlioz : for voice and orchestra
Orchestra: Voice and orchestra
Instruments: sopr 2fl(pic) 2ob 2cl 3fg cfg 4h 4trp 2trb trb-b tb hp 4perc vl vla vc cb Year of composition: 2006/2011 Duration: 21'30"
In pairs
Chamber music: Recorder
Instruments: 4rec Duration: 10'00"
It Sings, It Whispers : for cello
Chamber music: Cello
Instruments: vc Year of composition: 2020 Duration: 7'30"
Kafka Sketchbook : for fortepiano, bariton, ensemble of period instruments and live electronics
Vocal music: Voice and large ensemble
Instruments: bar 2ob 2cl 2fg 2h trp trb perc fortepf cb electronics Year of composition: 2004 Duration: 48'00"
Kier : symphony orchestra, 2005
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: pic 2fl 3ob 2cl cl-b 2fg cfg 4h 4trp 3trb 2tb 4perc 2hp pf str Year of composition: 2005 Duration: 10'00"
Kwintet : voor blaaskwintet of andere instrumenten, 1996
Chamber music: Variable instrumentation; Clarinet; Saxophone; Other combinations of string
Instruments: fl ob cl fg h / 5cl / 5sax / 2vl vla 2vc Year of composition: 1996 Duration: 7'00"
Laika : Opera in 4 Acts
Opera, musical theatre: Opera
Instruments: GK4 fl(fl-b) ob(eh) cl(cl-b) h trp trb tb acc pf keyb g-e perc str Year of composition: 2012-2014 Duration: 96'00"
Last Words : for cello and ensemble
Chamber music: Cello and large ensemble
Instruments: fl cl trp trb keyb perc vc solo vl vla cb Duration: 17'00"
Legatos : for two pianos, 2005
Chamber music: Piano
Instruments: 2pf Year of composition: 2005 Duration: 11'00"
Manifeste simple pour une écriture lineaire : for voice and ensemble
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s)
Instruments: voice 2rec/fl, fl-b cl trb vl pf el.g cb perc Year of composition: 1999 Duration: 9'00"
Mordants : for violin and piano, 2002
Chamber music: Violin and keyboard instrument
Instruments: vl pf Year of composition: 2002 Duration: 14'00"
Nicht eilen, nicht schleppen : In memoriam Gustav Mahler : for ensemble
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s)
Instruments: sopr rec sax-t trb 3perc el.g pf vl cb Year of composition: 1993 Duration: 22'00"
Öde : for flute, trumpet, violin, cello, piano and percussion, 1993
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-11 players)
Instruments: fl trp perc pf vl vc Year of composition: 1993 Duration: 10'00"
One trumpet : for trumpet solo, 2001
Chamber music: Trumpet
Instruments: trp Year of composition: 2001 Duration: 6'00"
Opposite Pieces : for violin and bayan accordion
Chamber music: Violin and keyboard instrument
Instruments: vl acc (bayan) Year of composition: 2012 Duration: 7'00"
Piéton de Hauterives : for ensemble, 2002
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-11 players)
Instruments: fl cl trp trb perc harm vl vc Year of composition: 2001 Duration: 14'00"
Remote Places : for ensemble
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
Instruments: fl sax-s sax-a sax-t 3tpt h 3trb(trb-b) pf db Year of composition: 1989 Duration: 11'00"
Reports from the Low Country : for double bass solo and orchestra
Orchestra: Double bass and orchestra
Instruments: 2fl fl(picc) 2ob eh 2cl cl-b 2fg cfg 4h 3trp 2trb trb(trb-b) tb timp 3perc hp db-solo acc str Year of composition: 2015 Duration: 24'00"
Ritorno : for saxophone quartet, 1988
Chamber music: Saxophone
Instruments: 4sax Year of composition: 1988 Duration: 11'00"
Scharf abreissen : for orchestra, 1995
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: 4544 6541 4perc 2hp pf str Year of composition: 1995 Duration: 24'00"
Schumann’s last procession : for contrabass trombone and harp
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
Instruments: trb-cb hp Year of composition: 2008 Duration: 6'00"
Short Histories on Nothing : for piano quintet
Chamber music: Piano Quintet (piano, 2 violins, viola, cello)
Instruments: 2vl vla vc pf Year of composition: 2009 Duration: 11'00"
Shuffle : for ensemble, 1990
Chamber music: Wind and string and key instrument(s)
Instruments: fl-a sax-t hp pf vl vla Year of composition: 1990 Duration: 12'00"
Slow Landscape (With Thunder) : Concerto for bass flute and ensemble (Version 2)
Orchestra: Flute and large ensemble
Instruments: fl-b-solo fl/fl-a 2cl eh h trp trb tb/trb/cb pf/keyb perc vn vla vc Year of composition: 2016 Duration: 14'00"
Slow march to Moscow : for ensemble, 2006
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-11 players)
Instruments: fl cl h trb perc pf vl vla vc Year of composition: 2006 Duration: 8'00"
Small goodbye songs : 2007
Year of composition: 2007 Duration: 3'00"
Small Piece Nº 1 : from the Album for cello and piano
Chamber music: Cello and keyboard instrument
Instruments: vc pf Year of composition: 2012 Duration: 2'00"
Small Piece Nº 1 : uit het Album voor cello en piano
Unknown: Cello and keyboard instrument
Instruments: vc pf Year of composition: 2012 Duration: 5'00"
Softly Bouncing : for orchestra
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 4h 2tpt 2trb tb timp 2perc str Year of composition: 2017 Duration: 12'30"
Speculum inversum : for soprano, ensemble and live electronics, 2000
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s); Electronics with different instruments
Instruments: sopr(perc) 2sax (trb ad lib.) perc el.g keyb el.cb electroncis Year of composition: 2000 Duration: 14'00"
Swift, Grey and Spacious : Cello Concerto Nº 2
Orchestra: Cello and orchestra
Instruments: vc-solo 2fl 2ob 2cl fg 2h 2tpt 2trb(trb-b) tb hp 2perc str Year of composition: 2020 Duration: 26'30"
Tattooed tongues
Vocal music: Vocal Ensemble (2-12) and large ensemble
Instruments: 3soloists fl cl el.wind instr. bug trp trb perc el.g pf 2vl vla vc Year of composition: 2001 Duration: 90'00"
They are home again! (art crimes I) : for reed quintet
Chamber music: Wood Wind ensemble (2-12 players)
Instruments: ob cl sax-a cl-b fg Year of composition: 2017 Duration: 13'45"
Things that fall apart : for piano and string quartet
Chamber music: Piano Quintet (piano, 2 violins, viola, cello)
Instruments: pf 2vl vla vc Year of composition: 2012 Duration: 7'00"
Three Birthday Pieces : for orchestra
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: 3fl(picc) 2ob 2cl(cl-b) fg cfg 2h 3tpt 2trb(trb-b) hp cel acc 2perc str Year of composition: 2019 Duration: 18'00"
Three pieces : for trombone solo
Chamber music: Trombone
Instruments: trb Year of composition: 2010 Duration: 14'00"
Three Reflections on Previous Thoughts : for orchestra and soprano
Vocal music: Voice and orchestra
Instruments: sopr 2fl ob cl cl-b sax-s sax-a sax-t 2sax-b 4h 3trp 3trb trb-b 2perc hp pf str Year of composition: 2007 - 2009 Duration: 13'30"
Three summer pieces : voor ensemble
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
Instruments: fl ob cl tpt h perc pf vn vc Year of composition: 2007 Duration: 16'00"
Tibors : 2004
Vocal music:
Year of composition: 2004 Duration: 6'00"
Triple Concertino : for three solo woodwinds and orchestra
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: eh-solo cl-b-solo cfg-solo 2fl(picc) 2ob 2cl 2fg 2h 2tpt timp 2perc str Year of composition: 2018 Duration: 19'00"
Two inglorious pieces : for tuba and percussion
Orchestra: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
Instruments: tb perc Year of composition: 2012 Duration: 8'30"
Two scenes for orchestra : 2006
Orchestra: Orchestra
Instruments: 4fl 2ob eh 2cl cl-b 2fg cfg 6h 4trp 3trb tb timp 4perc hp str Year of composition: 2006 Duration: 8'00"
unequal parts : for piano and ensemble, 2006
Orchestra: Piano and orchestra
Instruments: fl(pic fl-b) ob(eh) 2cl cl-b h 3trp 2trb trb-cb perc man 2hp acc str pf-solo Year of composition: 2006 Duration: 28'00"
Unequal Parts (Version 2016) : for piano and ensemble
Orchestra: Piano and large ensemble
Instruments: pf-solo fl/picc/gl-b ob cl cl/cl-b h trp trb trb-cb(tb) 2perc acc(bajan) 2vn vla vc db Year of composition: 2006/2016 Duration: 20'00"
Volkskrant contrapunt : for large ensemble, 1996
Orchestra: Large ensemble (12 or more players); Orchestra
Instruments: 1221 4sax 2220 4perc hp pf synth 2vl vla vc cb / str Year of composition: 1996 Duration: 16'00"
White eagle : for violin and ensemble
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
Instruments: fl cl(cl-b) h trp tb acc/bajan perc vla vc vl-solo Year of composition: 2009 Duration: 15'00"
multiple composers Album (Volume 2) : for cello and piano
Chamber music: Cello and keyboard instrument
Instruments: vc pf Year of composition: 2015
multiple composers Cellobundel II : voor cello en piano
Chamber music: Cello and keyboard instrument
Instruments: vc pf Year of composition: 2012
multiple composers Images : for flute solo, 1998
Chamber music: Flute; Electronics with different instruments; Flute with electronics
Instruments: fl ; pic ; fl(fl-a) tape Year of composition: 1998 Duration: 45'00"
multiple composers Red, white and blues : Dutch new blues pieces, for piano, 1996-2006, Volume 2
Chamber music: Piano
Instruments: pf Year of composition: 1996