musicentry loader

The company MUSICENTRY is the legal owner and administrator of the present website and its contents.

The website was created to offer information and services to its visitors.

The names, labels and products that are referred to in the website, are shown with the consent of their rightful owners.

The terms and conditions of, as well as any other modification, change or alteration of them are in compliance with the Greek law. For any dispute that may arise about the content of the website, the courthouses of Athens are exclusively responsible and Greek laws are applicable.

The clients accept the foretold services which are provided by the company as they are. The clients have no right to use those services for illegal purposes such as the use and/or disposal of piracy software, sending ads without the consent of the receiver etc.

In case of violation of the terms and conditions with the purpose of committing illegal activities, we do not provide any services to the violator(s) and we do not refund any monies already paid.


Payments to our company are made either by deposit/wire bank transfer to our bank account or by debit and credit card.


Access to our website, as well as its use, is made under the following terms and conditions:

Any information, text, plan, software that is included in the website, is an original intellectual property and creation and as such is protected according to the regulations of the "law 4481/2017 regarding the protection of intellectual rights and neighboring rights”.

Every act of reproduction, distribution, modification or use of them for commercial or not purpose without the written consent of the company is strictly forbidden.

The company takes all appropriate, reasonable and predictable measures, so that the information and data included to the present website are complete, precise and trustworthy.

The interconnection of the website with other links, happens only for the ease of the users-visitors. The company is not held responsible for any direct or indirect damage to the users-visitors, which comes from the use of the interconnection with another website through links or from the use of data and information, which are included to any other similar website.

The company holds the right to modify its website, to add, to change or/and remove any element or/and information which are included to it without a former warning. It also holds the right to modify at any time the current terms.

The company will maintain in protected and safe records the personal data of its users/visitors, that come to its knowledge and are processed on the basis of the submitted applications and transactions, in order to maintain the best possible trading relationships.

Acceptance of the terms of use

The access and use of the contents of the company’s website confirms that the users/visitors have sufficiently understood everything mentioned above, as well as that they agree completely with those terms. Reading of the present text is required before the use of the company’s services.

The users/visitors of the website are requested to accept the use of Cookies on their first visit, according to the terms of this policy. As long as they use the website, they are deemed to accept the company policy.

Cookies help us improve our services. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies.